A car can travel 410 miles on 41 gallons of gasoline. How far can it travel on 19 gallons?

410/41 = x/19

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To find out how far the car can travel on 19 gallons of gasoline, we first need to determine the car's average mileage.

From the given information, we know that the car can travel 410 miles on 41 gallons of gasoline. So, to find the average mileage, we can divide the total distance traveled (410 miles) by the total amount of gasoline consumed (41 gallons):

Average mileage = Total distance / Total gasoline consumed
Average mileage = 410 miles / 41 gallons
Average mileage = 10 miles per gallon

Now that we know the car's average mileage is 10 miles per gallon, we can calculate how far it can travel on 19 gallons of gasoline.

Distance traveled = Total gasoline * Average mileage
Distance traveled = 19 gallons * 10 miles per gallon
Distance traveled = 190 miles

Therefore, the car can travel 190 miles on 19 gallons of gasoline.