-2/5 x=6/35

could the answer be - 15/14?????

solve using the multiplication principle, so lost to even figure it out


Divide both sides by -(2/5)

x = (6/35) / -(2/5)
x = (6/35) * -(5/2)

x = -(30/70)
x + -3/7

-2/5 x = 6/35

Multiply both sides by 35
-14x = 6
x = -6/14 = -3/7

thank you after i looked back over it I saw that I didn't break it down far enough

(x power 3)+ 14x -6=0 ????

To solve the equation (-2/5)x = 6/35 for x, we can use the multiplication principle. The multiplication principle states that if we multiply both sides of an equation by the same non-zero number, the equation remains equivalent.

First, let's isolate x by multiplying both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of (-2/5), which is (-5/2). By doing this, we can cancel out the fraction on the left side of the equation.

(-5/2)(-2/5)x = (-5/2)(6/35)
x = (-5/2)(6/35)

To multiply fractions, we simply multiply the numerators together and the denominators together.

x = (-5 * 6) / (2 * 35)
x = (-30) / 70

Now, let's simplify the fraction. The greatest common divisor for -30 and 70 is 10.

x = (-30 ÷ 10) / (70 ÷ 10)
x = -3/7

Therefore, the solution to the equation (-2/5)x = 6/35 is x = -3/7.

Now, let's check if -15/14 is a valid solution by substituting it back into the original equation:

(-2/5)(-15/14) = 6/35
(2/5)(15/14) = 6/35
(2 * 15) / (5 * 14) = 6/35
30 / 70 = 6/35
3/7 = 6/35

Since 3/7 does not equal 6/35, -15/14 is not a valid solution to the equation. The correct solution is x = -3/7.