what is the part of speech in the following sentence all?

kyle took all of the erasers off tom's pencils.

You're not going to answer my questions?


Please see Writeacher's answer below.

The word "all" in the sentence you provided is functioning as a determiner. It is modifying the noun "erasers" to indicate that Kyle took every eraser.

To identify the part of speech of a word, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the sentence and look for the word in question.
2. Consider the function of the word within the sentence.
3. Look up the word in a reliable dictionary or grammar resource that provides definitions and explanations of parts of speech.

In this case, "all" is acting as a determiner, which is a type of adjective that provides more information about nouns or pronouns. Since it is modifying the noun "erasers," it is acting as a determiner.