An experiment was done in which different coloured light were shone onto a water plant separately and the rate of production of oxygen was measured. which coloured light will produce the lowest rate of production of oxygen? explain your answer

Green light (550 nm) is the least effective in causing photosynthesis, largely because chloropyll reflects so much of it. Extreme violet (400 nm) and red (700 nm) light are also relative4ly ineffective.

shows the sensitivity to wavelength (color)

To determine which colored light will produce the lowest rate of production of oxygen in a water plant, we need to understand the concept of photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a process performed by plants to convert sunlight into energy, utilizing chlorophyll pigments. Different colored lights have different wavelengths, and these wavelengths determine the energy of the photons reaching the plant's chlorophyll.

Typically, plants absorb blue and red light more efficiently for photosynthesis, while green light is reflected or transmitted due to chlorophyll's incomplete absorption in that wavelength range. This is why most plants appear green to us.

Now, to answer the question about which colored light will result in the lowest rate of oxygen production, we need to identify the light color that is least absorbed or utilized by the chlorophyll in the water plant.

Based on the information mentioned above, green light is the least absorbed by chlorophyll during photosynthesis. Therefore, if green light is shone onto the water plant, it will have the lowest rate of production of oxygen compared to other colored lights.

The reason for this is that green light has a longer wavelength, lower energy, and is not efficiently absorbed and utilized for photosynthesis by chlorophyll in the plant.

To determine which color of light will produce the lowest rate of production of oxygen in the experiment, we need to understand how different colors of light affect photosynthesis in plants.

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to convert them into glucose (sugar) and oxygen. This process occurs in specialized plant cell structures called chloroplasts, which contain a pigment known as chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs light energy and initiates the process of photosynthesis.

However, not all colors of light are equally absorbed by chlorophyll. Chlorophyll primarily absorbs light in the red and blue regions of the electromagnetic spectrum while reflecting or transmitting light in the green region. Therefore, green light is poorly absorbed, and plants appear green to our eyes.

With this knowledge, we can deduce that green light will produce the lowest rate of oxygen production because it is not efficiently absorbed by chlorophyll. Consequently, the rate of photosynthesis will be lower compared to red or blue light, leading to a decrease in the production of oxygen.

To validate this hypothesis, you can refer to the data collected during the experiment. Compare the rates of oxygen production under different colored lights (e.g., red, blue, and green). If the rate of oxygen production under green light is the lowest among these colors, it confirms that green light produces the lowest rate of oxygen production.

It's important to note that other factors such as intensity, duration, and overall health of the plant may also influence photosynthesis and oxygen production. Therefore, it's essential to control these variables carefully throughout the experiment.