What is an example of "statistical abuse" in the media in january 2011. What are some of the commonly reported health or nursing statistics? Do they accurately portray the statistical data to your satisfaction?

To find an example of "statistical abuse" in the media in January 2011, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for news articles or reports from reputable media sources published in January 2011. You can use either a search engine or online newspaper archives.

2. Look for articles or reports that include statistics or data related to a particular topic. This could be anything from politics to health to economics.

3. Read through the articles to identify any instances where the statistics appear to be distorted, misinterpreted, or manipulated to support a particular agenda or narrative. Look for any discrepancies between the statistical data presented and other credible sources or official reports.

4. Once you find an example of statistical abuse, analyze how the media outlet may have misrepresented the data or used it in a misleading manner.

Regarding commonly reported health or nursing statistics, some examples include:

1. Disease prevalence: Statistics on the number of people affected by diseases such as cancer, diabetes, or heart disease.

2. Mortality rates: Data on death rates for specific conditions or age groups.

3. Healthcare spending: Figures on how much is spent on healthcare at the national or local level, both in public and private sectors.

4. Nurse-to-patient ratios: Information on the number of nurses available to care for patients, often reported as a ratio.

Whether these statistics accurately portray the data to your satisfaction would depend on factors like the reliability of the source, the context provided, and how well the data is presented.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or subjective satisfaction. However, it is generally important to critically evaluate the sources of statistical information and consider additional sources to get a more complete and accurate understanding of the data.