How do I write two sentences about family financial goals using the past progressive and future progressive tenses?

Here are some examples of these verb tenses:

past progressive: was understanding, were saving, was paying, were thinking

future progressive: will be saving, will be paying, will be using

Let us know what you write up.

As our family was paying off my student loans, we were contemplating buying a new home.

I will be paying off my accrued interest while still in college so that the interest won't increase.

To write two sentences about family financial goals using the past progressive and future progressive tenses, follow these steps:

1. Understand the past progressive tense: The past progressive tense is used to describe an ongoing action that was happening in the past. It is formed by using the past tense of the verb "to be" (was/were) followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.

2. Understand the future progressive tense: The future progressive tense is used to describe an ongoing action that will be happening in the future. It is formed by using the future tense of the verb "to be" (will be) followed by the present participle (-ing form) of the main verb.

Now, let's create two sentences:

1. Past Progressive Tense:
Our family was saving money for a down payment on a new house last year.
Explanation: In this sentence, the past progressive tense is used with the verb "was saving" to show that the action of saving money was ongoing in the past.

2. Future Progressive Tense:
By this time next year, our family will be working towards increasing our investment portfolio.
Explanation: In this sentence, the future progressive tense is used with the verb "will be working towards" to indicate that the action of working towards increasing the investment portfolio will be ongoing in the future.

Remember to adjust the details of the sentences to reflect your family's specific financial goals.