on saturday you earn half as much as you do on sunday but twice as much as you do on friday. during the 3 days you $70. how much did you earn each day

x = friday

2x = saturday
2(2x) = 4x = Sunday

1x+2x+4x = 7x

7x = 70
x = 10 friday
2x = 20 = saturday
4x = 40 = sunday

Assuming you earn a total of $70.

x = amt earned Sat
2x = amt earned Sun
1/2 x = amt earned Fri

x + 2x + 1/2 x = 70

Solve for x

To determine how much you earned each day, let's break down the information given:

Let's assume the amount you earned on Friday is x dollars.

On Saturday, you earned half as much as you did on Sunday, so you earned (1/2) * (2x) = x dollars.

On Sunday, you earned twice as much as you did on Friday, so you earned 2 * x = 2x dollars.

Adding the amounts for all three days, we have:

Friday's earnings + Saturday's earnings + Sunday's earnings = $70

x + x + 2x = 70

Combining like terms, we get:

4x = 70

To solve for x, we divide both sides of the equation by 4:

x = 70 / 4 = 17.5

So, you earned $17.5 on Friday.

Substituting this value into our calculations:

Friday: $17.5
Saturday: (1/2) * (2 * 17.5) = $17.5
Sunday: 2 * 17.5 = $35

Therefore, you earned $17.5 on Friday, $17.5 on Saturday, and $35 on Sunday.