Which of the following statements about sexual and asexual reproduction is FALSE?

A)Genetic diversity occurs in sexual reproduction.

B)Asexually reproducing organisms can repair their own DNA.

C)There are no special reproductive cells in asexual reproduction.

D)A gametophyte produces haploid cells in the alternation of generations from sexual reproduction.

I'm struggling with this question. I know that 'A' is true, but the problem is that every other option seems to be false, yet I can only pick one.
I appreciate your help.

C)There are no special reproductive cells in asexual reproduction. is the false statement. Asexual reproduction does involve special reproductive cells, such as spores or gametes.

Based on the information provided, option C - "There are no special reproductive cells in asexual reproduction" - is the FALSE statement.

In asexual reproduction, distinct reproductive cells or gametes are not involved because the new individual is formed from a single parent without the fusion of gametes. However, some asexual reproduction methods involve specialized structures or cells that facilitate the process, such as budding, fragmentation, and spore production.

Options A, B, and D are all correct statements:

A) Genetic diversity occurs in sexual reproduction: In sexual reproduction, two parent organisms contribute genetic material to produce offspring with a unique combination of traits. This process promotes genetic diversity, which can benefit the species' adaptability to their environment.

B) Asexually reproducing organisms can repair their own DNA: Asexual reproduction does not involve the fusion of gametes from two parents. Instead, a single organism replicates its own genetic material to produce offspring. While DNA repair is required for all organisms, in this context, asexually reproducing organisms have the ability to repair their DNA but do not necessarily have the potential for genetic diversity.

D) A gametophyte produces haploid cells in the alternation of generations from sexual reproduction: Alternation of generations occurs in plants and some algae, where the life cycle switches between a multicellular haploid stage (gametophyte) and a multicellular diploid stage (sporophyte). During the gametophyte stage, haploid cells are produced, which undergo fertilization to form the diploid sporophyte stage.

Therefore, the FALSE statement is option C - "There are no special reproductive cells in asexual reproduction."

To determine which statement is FALSE, let's analyze each option:

A) Genetic diversity occurs in sexual reproduction.
This statement is true. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of genetic material from two parents, resulting in genetic variation in their offspring.

B) Asexually reproducing organisms can repair their own DNA.
This statement is true. Asexual reproduction does not involve the fusion of genetic material from two parents, but it does not mean that asexually reproducing organisms cannot repair their own DNA. Repair mechanisms exist in both sexual and asexual organisms.

C) There are no special reproductive cells in asexual reproduction.
This statement is false. In asexual reproduction, there are a variety of specialized cells or structures involved. For example, in budding, a form of asexual reproduction, a small bud forms on the parent organism, growing and eventually detaching to become a new individual.

D) A gametophyte produces haploid cells in the alternation of generations from sexual reproduction.
This statement is true. In plants that undergo alternation of generations, a gametophyte is a haploid phase that produces gametes (haploid cells) through mitosis. These gametes then fuse during sexual reproduction to form a diploid zygote, which develops into a sporophyte.

Therefore, the statement that is FALSE is option C) There are no special reproductive cells in asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction does involve specialized cells or structures.