the exterior angle and one interior opposite angle of each triangle are given.find the other interior opposite angle and the third angle of each triangle.given-120degre,45degree

Duplicate post; already answered.

To find the other interior opposite angle and the third interior angle of each triangle, we can use the fact that the sum of interior angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

Let's consider the given information:

Exterior angle = 120 degrees
One interior opposite angle = 45 degrees

We know that the exterior angle and its corresponding interior angle are supplementary, meaning they add up to 180 degrees. So, we can find the other interior opposite angle by subtracting the given exterior angle from 180 degrees:

Other interior opposite angle = 180 degrees - 120 degrees = 60 degrees

Now, to find the third angle, we can subtract the sum of the two known interior angles from 180 degrees:

Third angle = 180 degrees - (45 degrees + 60 degrees) = 180 degrees - 105 degrees = 75 degrees

Therefore, the other interior opposite angle is 60 degrees, and the third angle is 75 degrees for each triangle.