Is there anybody out there that can give me the answer to this problem I have tried but I can't get it. I really need to turn in my work. Thank you (4,-8); 2x+5y=4

You didn't state your problem.

Are you finding a new equation
parallel to the given line ?
perpendicular to the given line ?

2x + 5y = 4

Add -2x to both sides
5y = -2x + 4
divide both sides by 5
y = -2/5 y + 4/5
So, slope m = -2/5

Perpendicular lines, the slopes are negative reciprocals of each other.
Slope = -2/5
m1 * m2 = -1
-2/5 * m2 = -1
m2 = -1/(-2/5)
m2 = 5/2

Now you have to find b, for the equation of the perpendicular line.
y = mx + b
m = 5/2
y = 5/2 x + b
P(4, -8)
-8 = 5/2 (4) + b
-8 = 20/2 + b
-8 = 10 + b
-18 = b

y = 5/2 x + b
y = 5/2 + -18
y = 5/2 - 18

Follow these exact steps.

Of course! I can help you with that. The problem you mentioned involves a point (4, -8) and an equation 2x + 5y = 4. The task is likely to determine whether the given point lies on the line represented by the equation.

To solve this, we need to substitute the x-coordinate and y-coordinate of the given point into the equation and check if the equation holds true. Here's how you can do it step by step:

1. Start with the given equation: 2x + 5y = 4.
2. Replace x with 4 and y with -8 in the equation: 2(4) + 5(-8) = 4.
3. Simplify the equation: 8 - 40 = 4.
4. Continue simplifying: -32 = 4.
5. Notice that -32 is not equal to 4. Thus, the equation does not hold true when x = 4 and y = -8.

Therefore, the point (4, -8) does not lie on the line represented by the equation 2x + 5y = 4. You may need to recheck your work or consider a different approach.