Find all real number solutions to (cubed root 3x-8)-1=0

If there is more than one solution, separate them with commas.

If there is no solution, answer as "No solution."

(cubed root 3x-8)-1=0

Take the cube rt of both sides
3x - 1 = 0
3x = ?

I'll leave this for you to finish

Is is x=1/3


Ignore above. I thought it was 3x = 1, not 3x - 8 = 1

x = 3

To find the real number solutions to the given equation, we need to isolate the variable x.

Let's start by adding 1 to both sides of the equation:
(cubed root 3x-8) = 1

To remove the cube root, we raise both sides of the equation to the power of 3:
[(cubed root 3x-8)]^3 = 1^3
3x - 8 = 1

Next, we solve for x:
3x = 1 + 8
3x = 9
x = 9/3
x = 3

Therefore, the only real number solution to the equation is x = 3.