What is the monomeric unit of a chain of molecules joined by peptide bonds?


If anyone can help with this question. Thank you very much.

The monomeric unit of a chain of molecules joined by peptide bonds is called an amino acid.

To arrive at this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the question: The question asks for the monomeric unit of a chain of molecules joined by peptide bonds. This means we are looking for the basic building block of the chain.
2. Break down the terminology: The term "peptide bond" refers to the unique covalent bond that links amino acids together to form a chain known as a peptide.
3. Identify the correct answer: In the context of proteins, which are composed of peptide chains, the monomeric unit that is repetitively linked together by peptide bonds is an amino acid.
4. Verify the answer: You can verify this by consulting reliable sources such as textbooks, scientific articles, or online resources that specialize in biochemistry or molecular biology.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question "What is the monomeric unit of a chain of molecules joined by peptide bonds?" is an amino acid.