Remember that the perimeter of a rectangle can be found with the formula . Write an inequality that will give the possible lengths and widths of his rectangular garden so that the perimeter of the garden will not be more than 60. Use x for the length of the garden and y for the width.

Formula for perimeter

P = 2w + 2L
x = length (L)
y = width (w)
2x + 2y <= 60

To find the perimeter of a rectangle, we add the lengths of all four sides. The formula for the perimeter of a rectangle is P = 2(x + y), where P is the perimeter, x is the length, and y is the width.

We want to find an inequality that gives the possible lengths and widths of the rectangular garden so that the perimeter of the garden will not be more than 60. In mathematical terms, this means we want to find the range of values for x and y that satisfy the condition P ≤ 60.

Using the formula for the perimeter of a rectangle, we substitute P with 60:

2(x + y) ≤ 60

Simplifying the inequality:

x + y ≤ 30

Therefore, the inequality that will give the possible lengths and widths of the rectangular garden so that the perimeter of the garden will not be more than 60 is x + y ≤ 30.