All of the following except ____ are elements of quality of life. clean environment, safety, free time and health care are elements which contribute to our:

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To determine the element that is not a part of the quality of life, we can analyze each option provided:

1. Clean environment: A clean environment, including clean air, water, and surroundings, is generally considered essential for a good quality of life. It contributes to physical and mental well-being.

2. Safety: Safety is another crucial aspect of quality of life. Feeling secure in one's environment, whether it's personal safety or safety from crime, helps enhance overall well-being.

3. Free time: Having leisure time or free time to pursue hobbies, spend with loved ones, or engage in recreational activities is often considered a valuable component of quality of life. It allows for personal growth, relaxation, and enjoyment.

4. Health care: Access to good quality healthcare is vital for maintaining a high quality of life. It includes access to medical professionals, preventive care, treatments, and support for overall physical and mental well-being.

Based on the given options, the element that is not typically considered a part of quality of life is "free time." While having free time contributes to quality of life, it is not universally agreed upon as an essential element in the same way as a clean environment, safety, and healthcare.

Therefore, the correct answer is "free time."