Hello, I need help doing a 16 box Punnett Square on this problem:

Tongue rolling (rolling the tongue into a “taco”shape) is dominant over not having the ability to roll the tongue (R and r- respectively). Having free earlobes is dominant to attached (F and f respectively). A man has free hanging earlobes and can roll his tongue; however his mom and wife have attached earlobes and cannot roll their tongues. List the types of children can produce and the possible proportions of the different types.

To make a 16 box Punnett square for this problem, we need to start by determining the genotype of each individual involved.

- Tongue rolling (R) is dominant over not being able to roll the tongue (r)
- Free earlobes (F) are dominant over attached earlobes (f)

Based on the information provided, here are the genotypes for each individual:

Man (father):
- Tongue rolling: R (can roll his tongue)
- Earlobes: F (free hanging)

- Tongue rolling: rr (cannot roll her tongue)
- Earlobes: ff (attached)

Let's represent the male genotype as RFF and the female genotype as rff.

To create a Punnett square, we will combine the male and female genotypes to create all possible combinations of genotypes for their offspring. Here's how we'll do it:

Step 1: Determine possible genotypes for gametes.
- The male can produce two types of gametes: RF or RF.
- The female can produce two types of gametes: rf or rf.

Step 2: Fill in the Punnett square.
- On the top row, write down the possible genotypes for the male: RF RF.
- On the left column, write down the possible genotypes for the female: rf, rf.
- Fill in the boxes by combining the male and female alleles. For example, the first box would be RFrF.

Now we can determine the different types of children that can be produced and calculate the possible proportions of each type.

In this case, there are four possible genotypes for the offspring: RrFf, RrfF, Rrff, and Rrff. Let's list them along with their respective proportions:

- RrFf: 4/16 or 1/4 (25%)
- RrfF: 4/16 or 1/4 (25%)
- Rrff: 4/16 or 1/4 (25%)
- rrff: 4/16 or 1/4 (25%)

Therefore, the man and his wife can produce children with the following genotypes at the following proportions:
- RrFf: 25%
- RrfF: 25%
- Rrff: 25%
- rrff: 25%

Since R and F are dominant, so the mom and the wife must have both recessive genes, namely rr and ff.

Similarly, since the mom has rr and ff, the man must have at least one r and one f. Since he rolls his tongue and has free hanging earlobes, his genes must be heterozygous, namely Rr and Ff.

The offsprings will inherit one allele from each parent, leading to the following results:

Parents Rm+Fn rr+ff (m=R or r, n=F or f)
-> Man Rr+Ff
Wife rr+ff
Possible combinations:
Rr - 50%/rr - 50%
Ff - 50%/ff - 50%

Rr+Ff 25%
rr+Ff 25%
Rr+ff 25%
rr+ff 25%

Check my calculations. It's been a while since I last did those.

Thank you so much! I will check with my teacher tomorrow. That's what i though it would be but wasn't sure. Thanks again!