1. if you receive lamentable news, how do you feel? 2. what might cause a person with a normally rosy complexion to suddenly look sallow? 3. if you need film for you camera, where might you try to procure it?

would you unwieldy burden be easy or difficult to carry why

It be difficult because unwieldy means something Diogo carry or move

1. If you receive lamentable news, it is common to feel a sense of sadness, grief, or distress. However, individual reactions can vary depending on the level of personal attachment and the nature of the news.

2. There are several possible causes for a person with a normally rosy complexion to suddenly look sallow. Some potential factors include:
- Illness: Certain illnesses or health conditions can affect the appearance of the skin, making it look sallow or pale.
- Stress or fatigue: Lack of sleep, high-stress levels, or exhaustion can often result in a person's complexion appearing less vibrant.
- Poor diet or hydration: Inadequate nutrition or dehydration can affect the skin's health and appearance, making it look sallow or dull.
- Exposure to environmental factors: Extensive exposure to sun, wind, or dry air can impact the skin's condition, resulting in a sallow appearance.
- Allergic reactions or skin conditions: Certain allergies or skin conditions can cause inflammation or discoloration, leading to a sallow complexion.

3. If you need film for your camera, you can try procuring it from several possible sources:
- Local camera stores: Physical camera stores often carry a range of film types compatible with various camera models. You can search for camera stores in your area and visit them to find the film you need.
- Online retailers: Many online platforms offer a wide selection of camera film. Websites like Amazon, B&H Photo Video, or specialized camera retailers have a variety of film types and brands available for purchase.
- Photography supply stores: Some stores or websites specifically cater to photography supplies, including film. These specialized suppliers might carry a broader selection or rare film types.
- Secondhand markets: You can also try searching in secondhand markets like eBay or local classifieds websites where individuals might be selling unused or expired film at a lower price.

Remember to ensure the film you search for matches your camera type and format (e.g., 35mm, medium format) to ensure compatibility.

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