Formula T= L+F/S

T= time it takes to download file
L= latency
F= file size
s= average speed of the connection
Use formula to determine the Latency for a 113-kb file that downloads in 4.4s at an average speed of 43 kb/s?

T = L + F/S,

L = T - F/S = 4.4 - 113/43 =

To use the formula T = L + F/S to determine the latency (L) for a 113-kb file that downloads in 4.4s at an average speed of 43 kb/s, you need to rearrange the formula to solve for L.

T = 4.4s (time it takes to download file)
F = 113 kb (file size)
S = 43 kb/s (average speed of the connection)

Rearranging the formula, we have:
T = L + F/S
L = T - F/S

Now, substitute the given values into the formula:
L = 4.4s - (113 kb / 43 kb/s)

To simplify the formula, we need to convert the file size from kb to seconds. Since speed is given in kb/s, dividing file size by speed will give us the time it takes to download the file:
L = 4.4s - (113 kb / 43 kb/s)
L = 4.4s - (113 / 43) s

Calculate the value using a calculator or software:
L = 4.4s - 2.628s
L ≈ 1.772s

Therefore, the latency for a 113-kb file that downloads in 4.4s at an average speed of 43 kb/s is approximately 1.772 seconds.