
-14is less then and equal to 3x -7less than and equal to -2


-14 <= 3x-7 <= -2
-14 ≤ 3x-7 ≤ -2

(≤ is written as "& l e ;" without the double quotes and without spaces).

There are two inequalities. We need to solve each one separately and find the solution interval that satisfies both inequalities.

-14 ≤ 3x-7
=> 3x-7 ≥ -14
=> 3x ≥ -14 + 7 = -7
=> x ≥ -7/3

3x-7 ≤ -2
=> 3x ≤ -2+7 = 5
=> x ≤ 5/3

Take the most restrictive interval to give
-7/3 ≤ x ≤ 5/3

Check the solution by substituting it back to the original inequalities.