Using your knowledge of pseudocode, conditional statements, and loops create a pseudocode document and flow chart that displays all numbers from 20 to 1 and indicate if the number is prime as it displays

Certainly! Here's an example of pseudocode that fulfills the requirements:

// Declare a variable 'number' and set it to 20
number = 20

// Start a loop that runs as long as 'number' is greater than 1
while number >= 1 do:
// Set a boolean variable 'is_prime' to true assuming 'number' is a prime number
is_prime = true

// Start another loop to check if 'number' is divisible by any number between 2 and (number - 1)
for i = 2 to number - 1 do:
// If 'number' is divisible by 'i' without any remainder,
// it's not a prime number, so set 'is_prime' to false and exit the loop
if number % i == 0 then:
is_prime = false
exit loop

// Print the 'number' and indicate if it's prime or not
print "Number: " + number
if is_prime then:
print "Prime: Yes"
print "Prime: No"

// Decrease 'number' by 1 at the end of each iteration
number = number - 1

To create the flowchart, you can use flowchart symbols and connect them appropriately based on the pseudocode above. Here's a simple representation:

[Assign 'number = 20']
[Is 'number' >= 1?]
Yes No
| |
[Assign 'is_prime' = true]
[Loop from 2 to (number - 1)]
[Is 'number' divisible by 'i'?]
Yes No
| |
[Assign 'is_prime' = false]
[Exit Loop]
[Print 'number']
[Is 'is_prime' true?]
Yes No
| |
[Print 'Prime: Yes']
[Print 'Prime: No']
[Decrease 'number' by 1]

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.