Please can anyone help me with a musical

I'm looking for hidden GPS coordinates within the musical notation...
I know it's Figured Bass...that much I have figured out... I have read up a bit...
It must start with 53... That's obvious...

Certainly! Solving the musical puzzle using Figured Bass notation sounds intriguing. Figured Bass is a system of shorthand notation used in Western classical music to indicate the harmony or chords implied by the bass line. To look for hidden GPS coordinates within Figured Bass notation, follow these steps:

1. Familiarize Yourself with Figured Bass: Make sure you are comfortable with the basics of Figured Bass notation. Understand how numbers and symbols are used to represent intervals, chords, and modifications.

2. Analyze the Notation: Examine the Figured Bass notation you have, focusing on the numbers and symbols written beneath the bass line. Look for anything that seems unique or out of place.

3. Identify the Starting Point: You mentioned that the hidden GPS coordinates must start with "53." With this information, look for any figures or symbols that could represent this sequence, such as "5" and "3" written consecutively.

4. Investigate Further: Once you find a possible starting point, continue inspecting the Figured Bass notation for subsequent numbers or symbols that match the format of GPS coordinates (latitude followed by longitude). Consider any variations or modifications that may be involved.

5. Convert to GPS Coordinates: Once you have identified a possible sequence of numbers or symbols, verify if they can be converted into standard GPS coordinates by applying any known conversion rules or patterns.

It is important to note that while Figured Bass notation provides a useful framework for harmonies, using it for encoding GPS coordinates would require some unconventional interpretation. It might be helpful to consider additional clues or context that could lead to the correct interpretation of the notation.

Good luck with your musical puzzle!