compare and contrast the lifestyles of the people from the stages of the middle ages

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Sorry. I just need some help coming up with a good thesis for this.. I know in the High Middle Ages agriculture and art was popular at that era. This era represented medieval culture and politics and there was a strong leadership by the popes. Late Middle Ages black death occured, half the population was gone. More people in middle class because of all the things left behind from the people affected by the plague. the church was commissioned by rich folks and others for being spared. The Early Middle Ages were known as the dark ages.

To compare and contrast the lifestyles of people from different stages of the Middle Ages, you can follow these steps:

1. Research the different stages of the Middle Ages: The Middle Ages is typically divided into three main stages: the Early Middle Ages (also known as the Dark Ages), the High Middle Ages, and the Late Middle Ages. Understand the general characteristics, events, and societal changes that occurred during each stage.

2. Analyze the political system and social structure: Consider the feudalism system, which was prevalent in the Middle Ages. Each stage had variations in how feudalism was practiced, affecting the social hierarchy and roles of nobles, knights, clergy, and peasants.

3. Examine the economic conditions: Evaluate the agricultural practices, trade routes and markets, and the impact of urbanization. Consider the availability of resources, the role of guilds, and the development of commerce in each stage.

4. Explore the religious and cultural aspects: Study the influence of the Catholic Church, including its power and authority, the role of monasteries, and the impact on daily life.

5. Look at education and intellectual developments: Investigate the availability of education, the rise of universities, and the preservation of knowledge through manuscripts. Note any differences in intellectual pursuits during the different stages.

6. Consider the impact of wars, plagues, and technological advancements: Assess how events such as the Crusades, the Black Death, and the Renaissance affected the daily lives and societal structures of people during each stage.

7. Organize your findings: Create a table or Venn diagram to compare and contrast the different aspects of lifestyle (e.g., social structure, religion, education, economy) between the stages of the Middle Ages. Identify similarities and differences while taking into account the nuances and complexities of each period.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you will be able to compare and contrast the lifestyles of people from the stages of the Middle Ages accurately.