what is the correct pronoun:

El hombre ____ (el libro) da al joven.

Direct-object pronoun for a masculine singular noun = lo

Better Spanish would be "El hombre se lo da al joven." (se changed from the Indirect-object pronoun "le" because it is followed by a direct-object pronoun beginning with "l."


The correct pronoun for "el libro" in this sentence is "lo".

The correct pronoun to fill in the blank in the sentence "El hombre ____ (el libro) da al joven" would be "lo".

To determine the correct pronoun, you need to identify the grammatical function of the noun "el libro" in the sentence. In this case, "el libro" is the direct object of the verb "da".

In Spanish, direct object pronouns are used to replace or refer to the direct object noun. The pronoun "lo" is used to refer to a singular, masculine direct object.

So, in this sentence, you would say "El hombre lo da al joven." This translates to "The man gives it to the young man," where "lo" refers to "el libro".