determine the point of intersection

y=logbase 10(x-2)

and y=1-logbase 10(x+1)

A point of intersection is when the two equations equal each other. So set:

log(x-2) = 1 - log(x+1)

Then solve for x.

Does that help, or are the logarithms themselves giving you trouble?

log(x-2)= 1-log(x+1)








Exact solutions of this equation is:
-3 and 4
Negative numbers have not logarithms.

So solution is x=4

To determine the point of intersection between the two given equations, we need to set them equal to each other:

log base 10(x-2) = 1 - log base 10(x+1)

To solve this equation, we can use the properties of logarithms.

First, let's simplify the equation using the logarithmic property log(a) - log(b) = log(a/b):

log base 10[(x-2)/(x+1)] = 1

Next, let's rewrite the equation in exponential form by converting the equation from logarithmic form to exponential form. In logarithmic form, log base b(y) = x means that b^x = y. So, in our case:

[(x-2)/(x+1)] = 10^1

Simplifying further:

(x-2)/(x+1) = 10

Next, let's cross-multiply:

x - 2 = 10(x + 1)

Expand and solve for x:

x - 2 = 10x + 10

-9x = 12

x = -12/9

Finally, substitute the value of x back into one of the original equations to find the corresponding y-coordinate. Let's use the first equation:

y = log base 10(x-2)

y = log base 10(-12/9 - 2)

y = log base 10((-12 - 2 * 9)/9)

y = log base 10(-12 - 18)/9)

y = log base 10(-30)/9)

The point of intersection is (-12/9, log base 10(-30)/9).