the sound from a mosquito is produced when its wings vibrates at an average rate of 500 vibrations/sec.What is the tine period of the vibration?

I assume you mean time period. A tine is part of a tuning fork.

Period, P, is the reciprocal of frequency, f.

P = 1/f = 1/500 second in this case

To find the time period of the vibration, we can use the formula:

Time Period (T) = 1 / Frequency (f)

Time Period (T) is the time taken for one complete vibration.
Frequency (f) is the number of vibrations per second.

In this case, the frequency (f) is given as 500 vibrations/sec.

Applying the formula, we can calculate the time period as follows:

T = 1 / f
T = 1 / 500

Thus, the time period (T) of the vibration is 0.002 seconds.