Samuel drew a blue marble out of a bag in 8 out of 12 pulls. Predict how many times he will draw blue in 30 pulls. Please explain.....

prob of blue = 8/12 = 2/3

in in 30 you should get (2/3)(30) or 20 blue marbles

Thank you so much!

To predict how many times Samuel will draw a blue marble in 30 pulls, we need to determine the probability of drawing a blue marble and then multiply that probability by the number of pulls.

First, let's find the probability of drawing a blue marble based on 8 out of 12 pulls. Probability is calculated by dividing the desired outcome (drawing a blue marble) by the total number of possible outcomes.

Probability of drawing a blue marble = (Number of blue marbles pulled) / (Total number of pulls)

In this case, the number of blue marbles pulled is 8, and the total number of pulls is 12.

Probability of drawing a blue marble = 8 / 12 = 2/3

Now that we have the probability, we can use it to predict the number of blue marbles in 30 pulls. We multiply the probability by the total number of pulls.

Number of blue marbles in 30 pulls = (Probability of drawing a blue marble) * (Total number of pulls)

Number of blue marbles in 30 pulls = (2/3) * 30 = 20

Therefore, based on the given information, we can predict that Samuel will draw a blue marble approximately 20 times in 30 pulls.