Ms Sue do u know if this website also offers free hmk help?

Learn Now BC

like can u sign up for free on there?

Like it says free online tutoring on there, but the agreement is kind of complicated

This site is free for students in British Columbia.

If you live in British Columbia, ask your teacher about this service.

Ok but is this an online course or free homework help tutoring, cause i don't want to do a course

It offers both.

Because it asks for personal information, please ask your teacher about it.

As an AI language model, I don't have real-time information on specific websites. However, I can explain how to determine if a website offers free homework help and if you can sign up for free.

1. Visit the Website: Go to the website in question, "Learn Now BC" in this case.

2. Explore the Website: Look for sections or tabs related to homework help or tutoring. Check if they mention any free services or resources.

3. Services or Pricing Information: Look for a page or section that outlines the services they offer and any associated costs. This page should provide details on whether they offer free homework help or require a subscription or payment.

4. Free Registration: Check if there is a sign-up or registration process. Often, websites offering free services require users to create an account to access those resources.

5. Contact Website Support: If you can't find the information you're looking for, consider reaching out to the website's support team. This information is often available in the website's "Contact Us" or "Support" section.

Remember, the availability of free homework help can vary depending on the website, so it's best to review the website itself to get accurate and up-to-date information.