Samantha has 7 tomato plants in 12 rows. How many tomato plants does she have? Solve using multiplication equations

7 * 12 = ?



if 1 row=12 den 7=a DEN 7.12=84

To solve this problem using multiplication equations, you can multiply the number of rows by the number of tomato plants in each row.

In this case, Samantha has 7 tomato plants in each row, and she has 12 rows. To find out the total number of tomato plants Samantha has, you can multiply these two numbers together.

The equation would be: Total number of tomato plants = Number of rows × Number of tomato plants in each row.

So, you can write it as: Total number of tomato plants = 12 × 7.

Now you can perform the multiplication: 12 multiplied by 7 equals 84.

Therefore, Samantha has a total of 84 tomato plants.