5x + y = 5x + (3x − 11) = 13.

Please help me solve this step by step. This is killing me. I really need help, thank you so much.

5x + y = 5x + (3x − 11) = 13.

where are you getting these problems?
there is no way to solve
the way you have written this.

copy the problem exactly from your book

The problem is written like this: 5x + y = 5x + (3x − 11) = 13. I guess, it supposed to be a function, or a linear equation. But this is the way it is written, unless they wrote it down wrong. I really do appreciate your patience. Thank you for your help.

So let's form 2 equations from this:

5x+y = 13
5x + 3x - 11 = 13 or 8x = 24
so x = 3
back into the first

5(3) + y = 13
y = -2

x = 3, y = -2

To solve the equation 5x + y = 5x + (3x - 11) = 13, let's break it down step by step.

Step 1: Simplify the equation on the right side:
5x + (3x - 11) = 13
Group the x terms together:
5x + 3x - 11 = 13
Combine like terms:
8x - 11 = 13

Step 2: Isolate the variable x:
Add 11 to both sides of the equation to move the constant term to the right side:
8x - 11 + 11 = 13 + 11
8x = 24

Step 3: Solve for x:
Divide both sides of the equation by 8 to isolate x:
8x/8 = 24/8
x = 3

Step 4: Substitute the value of x into the original equation to find y:
5x + y = 5x + (3x - 11) = 13
Substitute x = 3:
5(3) + y = 5(3) + (3(3) - 11) = 13
15 + y = 15 + (9 - 11) = 13
Combine like terms:
15 + y = 24 - 11 = 13

Step 5: Solve for y:
Subtract 15 from both sides of the equation to isolate y:
15 + y - 15 = 13 - 15
y = -2

Therefore, the solution to the equation 5x + y = 5x + (3x - 11) = 13 is x = 3, y = -2.