how can you tell which cola drink is diet and which cola drink has sugar in it just by looking in an ice chest?

To determine if a cola drink is diet or has sugar in it by looking in an ice chest, you generally need to examine the packaging or labels. Here's how:

1. Look for visual cues: Many cola brands have distinct packaging for their diet and regular versions. For example, diet sodas often have a lighter-colored label or logo compared to regular sodas. Look for words like "diet," "zero," or "light" on the packaging, which usually indicate sugar-free varieties.

2. Read the labels: Each can or bottle usually contains a nutritional label that provides detailed information about the contents, including the sugar content. Look for a section labeled "Total Sugars" or "Carbohydrates," which will specify the amount of sugar present. Diet sodas typically have negligible or zero sugar content, while regular sodas will have a significant amount of sugar listed.

3. Check for artificial sweeteners: Diet sodas often use artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, or stevia instead of sugar. Look for these ingredients listed on the packaging. Regular sodas, on the other hand, will typically list sugar or high-fructose corn syrup as a primary ingredient.

Remember that sometimes cola drinks might not be expressly labeled as "diet," so reading the labels is the most reliable way to determine their sugar content.