which of the following sums is larger and by how much? round your answer to 4 decimal places if necessary

1. 7 over Sigma 15/4(pi/10)^n
2. 11 over Sigma 17/4(4/13)^n

please help!

To compare the two sums and determine which one is larger, we need to evaluate each sum individually.

Let's start with the first sum:
1. 7 over Sigma 15/4(pi/10)^n

To find the sum, we need to evaluate the sum of the terms in the sequence. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the first term, where n = 0:
term_0 = 15/4(pi/10)^0 = 15/4

2. Move to the next term, where n = 1:
term_1 = 15/4(pi/10)^1 = (15/4) * (pi/10)

3. Continue this pattern for all the terms until the desired number of terms.

Once you have all the terms, sum them up.

Now let's move on to the second sum:
2. 11 over Sigma 17/4(4/13)^n

Again, we need to evaluate each term and then sum them up:

1. Start with the first term, where n = 0:
term_0 = 17/4(4/13)^0 = 17/4

2. Move to the next term, where n = 1:
term_1 = 17/4(4/13)^1 = (17/4) * (4/13)

3. Continue this pattern for all the terms until the desired number of terms.

Once we have all the terms, sum them up.

After evaluating both sums, compare the results. The sum with the larger value will be the answer to your question.

Remember to round your answer to 4 decimal places if necessary.