Inv. No. Check
Date Description Name or Date No. Terms Amount
Dec. 16 Merchandise sold (cost $4,600) Hanna Seppa 916 2/10, n/30 $7,700
17 Received credit memo on returned merch. Funk Company Dec. 15 1,040
17 Purchased office supplies KK's Supply Company Dec. 16 n/10 EOM 615
18 Received credit memo on returned merch. KK's Supply Company Dec. 17 40
20 Issued credit memo on returned merch. Bo Brown Dec. 15 500
21 Purchased store equipment KK's Supply Company Dec. 21 n/10 EOM 6,700
22 Received payment less discount Hanna Seppa Dec. 12
23 Paid invoice less discount Crossland Company Dec. 15 623
24 Sold merchandise on credit (cost $600) Shilo Jones 917 1,200
24 Paid inv. less discount and return Funk Company Dec. 15 624
25 Received payment less discount and return Bo Brown Dec. 15
26 Purchased merchandise and invoice Crossland Company Dec. 25 2/10, n/60 8,100
29 Sold office supplies for cash at cost 50
30 Issued check to owner for personal use Ken Choi 625 3,500
31 Check issued for sales salaries Jamie Inman 626 2,020
31 Issued check for electric bill Access Electric Company 627 710
31 Cash sales for last half of month (cost $11,200) 29,600

Check figure: Trial balance totals $219,408

To get the check figure for the Trial balance totals, you can add up all the amounts listed in the given table. The trial balance is a list of all the accounts and their balances to check if the total of all the debits equals the total of all the credits, ensuring that the accounting equation (Assets = Liabilities + Equity) is in balance. Here's how you can calculate the check figure:

1. Add up all the amounts in the "Amount" column of the table:
$7,700 + $1,040 + $615 + $40 + $500 + $6,700 + $623 + $1,200 + $624 + $8,100 + $50 + $3,500 + $2,020 + $710 + $29,600 = $61,422

2. Compare the calculated total with the given check figure of $219,408.

Since the calculated total is $61,422 and does not match the check figure of $219,408, there might be some other transactions or information missing that are required to obtain the correct check figure.