How to make these possessive sentneces

2. She was unable to get a car loan with her bad credit.

3. Finally she filed to bankruptcy to help clear her name.

Substitute a person's name for "her." Hint: start with the person's name.

To make these sentences possessive, you generally need to add an apostrophe followed by an "s" ('s) to the noun that is owning or possessing something. Here's how you can make each sentence possessive:

2. She was unable to get a car loan with her bad credit.
To make this sentence possessive, we need to identify the noun that is owning or possessing something. In this case, the noun is "credit." To make it possessive, we add an apostrophe followed by an "s" ('s) to "credit." Here's the revised sentence:
She was unable to get a car loan with her bad credit's.

3. Finally she filed to bankruptcy to help clear her name.
To make this sentence possessive, we need to find the noun that is owning or possessing something. In this case, the noun is "name." To make it possessive, we add an apostrophe followed by an "s" ('s) to "name." Here's the revised sentence:
Finally she filed to bankruptcy to help clear her name's.