Write three sentences using plurals correctly and three sentences using possessives correctly on the topic of how to store personal financial information effectively and efficiently.

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1. It is important to organize your financial documents in separate folders for bank statements, tax returns, and investment statements.
2. To maximize organization, store your receipts for tax deductions in labeled envelopes for different categories such as medical expenses, charitable donations, and business expenses.
3. Keep track of your credit cards by maintaining a spreadsheet that lists all your current balances, payment due dates, and reward points earned.

1. Ensure the security of your financial information by storing it in a personal safe's hidden compartment, ensuring its protection from unauthorized access.
2. When organizing your financial documents, prioritize labeling each folder with your name, followed by the corresponding year, to easily locate the specific files you need.
3. To prevent any confusion or mix-ups, double-check that all the documents inside your filing cabinet's drawers have your name and address clearly visible.