I got E) for the first and couldn't figure out the other one. Can any one verify the first and help with the second??

In which of the following processes is there a decrease in the potential energy of the substances involved?
A) a coil spring is compressed
B) two particles of opposite charge are separated
C) photosynthesis produces glucose from carbon dioxide and water
D) liquid water evaporates to form water vapor
E) methane gas burns in oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water

The speed of light is 3.0 x 108 m/s. How many milliseconds does it take for a light signal from earth to reach and return from a satellite that is in orbit 30 miles above the earth? (1 millisecond = 10-3 seconds)
A) 320 milliseconds
B) 16 milliseconds
C) 32 milliseconds
D) 0.32 milliseconds
E) 0.16 milliseconds
No one has answered this question yet.

Convert miles to metres

1 miles = 1 609.344 metres


distance = 30 miles x 1 609.344 metres mile^-1
=48280.32 m

time taken = distance/velocity
=48280.32 m/ 3.0 x 10^8 m s^-1= 0.0001609 s or 0.16 ms

Sorry Doc but the satallite is 30 miles above the earth and the question states there and back. please check again.

To determine which of the given processes result in a decrease in potential energy, we need to understand the concept of potential energy in each situation.

A) When a coil spring is compressed, potential energy is stored in the spring. Potential energy