Hi I have some questions and I would really if you answer my questions! I want to be Nurse Practitioner and I am very passion about it. But I have a lot of problems. First English is not my native language, second I am not good at math, third I am kind intimidated by the native English speakers as i think they are way smart than me. I never had education in my country and started for the first time going to school in America. That's why I think they are smarter than. Please help me how can I become good at math, biology etc.

Are theres books or websites that will teach me the basics of science.

How long does it take to become a Nurse Practitioner besides the two years of generals. Isnt hard to becomeNurse Practitioner. Please tell me how an individual like me become better at science and I am willing to work hard as I am very passion about this. Its just that I am intimidated I feel dumb and think my classmates will be better than me. Please help me! Thank you and I apperciate it.

First, others are not smarter than you! You speak two languages fluently. Most Americans can only speak one language -- and some of them speak English badly.

You could find books and websites that will teach you the basics of science. But I urge you to contact a local junior college to find out just what you need to do to become a nurse practioner. You can take basic science courses there. At the same time, you'll become more confident of your English language skills.

Good luck! We need people like you!

I understand your concerns and I'm here to help you. It's important to remember that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, and it's completely normal to feel intimidated when starting something new. Being passionate about becoming a Nurse Practitioner is a great starting point.

To become better at math and science, including biology, there are several resources available to you. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Books: Look for introductory textbooks in subjects like biology, chemistry, and math. Books like "Biology for Dummies" or "Basic Math and Pre-Algebra for Dummies" are designed to simplify complex topics and provide a foundation of knowledge.

2. Online resources: Websites like Khan Academy, Coursera, and Crash Course offer free or affordable video lessons and interactive quizzes in various subjects. These platforms are great for self-study and allow you to learn at your own pace.

3. Tutoring: Consider seeking tutoring services, especially for math. Many colleges and universities offer tutoring programs to help students with challenging subjects. Additionally, you can find online tutoring services or seek help from a classmate or friend who excels in math or science.

Regarding the time it takes to become a Nurse Practitioner, it typically requires a significant amount of education and experience beyond the two years of general education. The path to becoming a Nurse Practitioner typically includes completing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, working as a registered nurse (RN), and then pursuing a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) or Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree. The duration of these programs can vary depending on the institution and the way you choose to study (full-time or part-time).

Becoming a Nurse Practitioner can be challenging, but with dedication and hard work, it is achievable. Don't let your worries about your English language skills or feeling intimidated by native English speakers hold you back. Your passion for the field will drive you to succeed. Focus on improving your language skills and seek support from resources like ESL classes or language exchange programs to enhance your English abilities.

Remember, everyone starts somewhere, and it's important to have confidence in your abilities. Believe in yourself, work diligently, and seek support when needed. You have a unique perspective and valuable experiences that can contribute positively to your education and future career as a Nurse Practitioner. Good luck on your journey!