the area of a parallelogram is 507 square cm, and its height is three times its base. find the base and the height.


13 and 39

To find the base and height of the parallelogram, we need to use the formula for calculating the area of a parallelogram. The formula is:

Area = base * height

Given that the area of the parallelogram is 507 square cm, we can set up the equation:

507 = base * height

It is also given that the height is three times the base, so we can substitute the height with 3 times the base:

507 = base * (3 * base)

Now, let's simplify the equation:

507 = 3 * base^2

Next, we need to isolate the base by dividing both sides of the equation by 3:

base^2 = 507 / 3

base^2 = 169

To solve for the base, we need to take the square root of both sides:

base = √169

base = 13

So, the base of the parallelogram is 13 cm.

To find the height, we can substitute the value of the base into the equation:

height = 3 * base

height = 3 * 13

height = 39

Hence, the height of the parallelogram is 39 cm.

h = 3b

h * b = 507

Substitute 3b for h in second equation and solve for b. Insert that value into the first equation and solve for h. Check by inserting both values into the second equation.