Which issue did some people think would be a problem related to NAFTA?

A. increases in immigrants from Mexico
B. decreases in income to governments because of lower tariffs

You have two choices. Which do you think is the answer?

A.increases in immigrants from mexico to the united states.

The correct answer is A. increases in immigrants from Mexico.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concerns that people had about NAFTA, which is the North American Free Trade Agreement. NAFTA is an agreement between the United States, Canada, and Mexico that aimed to eliminate trade barriers and increase economic cooperation between the three countries.

When assessing the potential issues related to NAFTA, some people expressed concerns about an increase in immigrants from Mexico. The underlying argument was that as trade barriers were lifted, it would create more opportunities for businesses to move across borders, resulting in significant job losses in certain industries. In turn, some individuals worried that Mexican workers would move to the United States in search of employment opportunities or better wages, leading to an increase in immigration from Mexico.

It is important to note that the impact of NAFTA on immigration from Mexico is a complex issue, and the agreement itself does not explicitly address immigration policies. However, certain critics and proponents theorized about potential consequences related to immigration as a result of increased economic integration.