how do you round off 2,603,484 to the nearest hundred thousand

Since the number after the hundred-thousand place is 0, we round it off to 2,600,000.

To round off a number to the nearest hundred thousand, you will need to look at the digit in the hundred thousand place and the digit immediately to its right, which is the ten thousand place.

In the given number, 2,603,484, the digit in the hundred thousand place is 2, and the digit in the ten thousand place is 6.

To determine how to round, you need to follow these steps:
1. If the digit in the ten thousand place is less than 5, you round down by keeping the digit in the hundred thousand place as it is.
2. If the digit in the ten thousand place is 5 or greater, you round up by increasing the digit in the hundred thousand place by 1.

In this case, since the digit in the ten thousand place is 6, which is greater than 5, we will round up the digit in the hundred thousand place.

Therefore, rounding off 2,603,484 to the nearest hundred thousand gives us 2,700,000.