please check:

1. the personalities of adopted children:
a. similar to personalities of other children in adoptive families
b. very similar to personalities of biologically related siblings
c. not very similar to personalities of adoptive parents
d. more similar to personalities of caregiver that biological parents


2. among employed women, the task of raising children is ecpecially likely to be associated with ________ marital satisfaction. The departure of mature children from home is typically associated with ________ marital satisfaction.
a. increasing; decreasing
b. decreasing; decreasing
c. increasing; further increasing
d. decreasing; further decreasing


3. the pop-out phenomenon illustrates that some stimuli almost inevitably trigger:
a. narcolepsy
b. neuroadaption
c. selective attention
d. hypnagogic sensations


4. both classical and operant conditioning are forms of:
a. associative learning
b. repondent behavior
c. observational learning
d. intrinsic motivation


5. tonya conducted a research project in which she arranged for people of different ages complete a survey of life satisfaction. she then compared the reports of life satisfaction across different age levels. tonya's research best illustrates a:
a. longitudinal study
b. normal curve
c. cross-sectional study
d. standard deviation


6. if a positive corrrelation between two sets of scores is displayed as a scatterplot, the points are clustered in a pattern that:
a. resembles a bell-shaped curve
b. extends from the lower left to the upper right of the graph
c. resembles a u shaped curve
d. extends from the upper left to the lower right of the graph


thank youu =)

i believe the answers are


im pretty sure those are the wrong answers that person posted

Although I can't respond to the first two, the following are the answers:

2. could b be decreasing, increasing?
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. b, d describes a negative correlation.

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1. In order to determine the answer to this question, we need to look at the different options provided and identify which one describes the influence of adoption on the personalities of children.

a. The option states that the personalities of adopted children are similar to the personalities of other children in adoptive families. This suggests that the shared environment and experiences within the adoptive family have an impact on the personalities of the children.

b. This option states that the personalities of adopted children are very similar to the personalities of biologically related siblings. This implies that genetics play a significant role in determining personality traits.

c. The option suggests that the personalities of adopted children are not very similar to the personalities of adoptive parents. This indicates that genetics might have a greater influence on personality compared to the environmental factors provided by the adoptive parents.

d. The option states that the personalities of adopted children are more similar to the personalities of the caregiver than to their biological parents. This suggests that the immediate caregiver's influence, whether it is the adoptive parent or someone else, has a greater impact on personality than the biological parents.

Based on the options provided, it appears that option b, "very similar to personalities of biologically related siblings," best describes the influence of adoption on the personalities of children. However, it is important to note that personality is influenced by a complex interplay of genetics and environment, so the answer may vary depending on specific circumstances.

2. In order to determine the answer to this question, we need to identify the associations between raising children and marital satisfaction.

a. This option suggests that among employed women, the task of raising children is associated with increasing marital satisfaction. The departure of mature children from home is typically associated with decreasing marital satisfaction.

b. This option suggests that both raising children and the departure of mature children from home are associated with decreasing marital satisfaction.

c. This option suggests that among employed women, the task of raising children is associated with increasing marital satisfaction. The departure of mature children from home is further associated with increasing marital satisfaction.

d. This option suggests that both raising children and the departure of mature children from home are associated with further decreasing marital satisfaction.

Based on the options provided, option a, "increasing; decreasing," best describes the associations between raising children and marital satisfaction. It indicates that raising children is associated with increasing marital satisfaction among employed women, while the departure of mature children from home is typically associated with decreasing marital satisfaction.

3. In order to determine the answer to this question, we need to understand what the pop-out phenomenon refers to and what it triggers.

a. Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness, sudden loss of muscle tone, and hallucinations. It is not related to the pop-out phenomenon.

b. Neuroadaption refers to the neural changes that occur in response to repeated stimuli. While it is related to the process of learning, it is not specifically associated with the pop-out phenomenon.

c. Selective attention refers to the cognitive process of focusing on certain stimuli while ignoring others. The pop-out phenomenon is closely related to selective attention as certain stimuli automatically capture our attention.

d. Hypnagogic sensations are hallucinatory experiences that occur during the transition from wakefulness to sleep. They are not relevant to the pop-out phenomenon.

Based on the options provided, option c, "selective attention," best describes what the pop-out phenomenon triggers. The pop-out phenomenon illustrates that some stimuli almost inevitably capture our attention due to their salience or distinctiveness.

4. In order to determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the definitions and characteristics of classical and operant conditioning.

a. Associative learning refers to the process of linking different stimuli or stimuli and responses together. Both classical and operant conditioning involve associations between stimuli and responses, making this option a possible answer.

b. Respondent behavior refers to behavior that occurs automatically or reflexively in response to certain stimuli. While classical conditioning is often associated with respondent behavior, operant conditioning involves a different type of behavior called operant behavior.

c. Observational learning refers to learning by observing others' behavior and the consequences they experience. While observational learning is an important type of learning, it is not specifically associated with classical and operant conditioning.

d. Intrinsic motivation refers to engaging in behavior for internal satisfaction or enjoyment. It is not directly related to classical and operant conditioning.

Based on the options provided, option a, "associative learning," best describes both classical and operant conditioning as they involve the formation of associations between stimuli and responses.

5. In order to determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the different study designs and how they are applied.

a. A longitudinal study follows the same participants over an extended period of time, allowing researchers to examine changes or behaviors across different age levels within the same individuals. This is the most accurate description of Tonya's research project, as she compared reports of life satisfaction across different age levels.

b. A normal curve, also known as a bell curve, is a statistical distribution that represents a typical pattern of variation where most scores cluster around the mean, resulting in a symmetric shape. It is not directly related to Tonya's research project.

c. A cross-sectional study involves collecting data from a group of individuals at a specific point in time, allowing researchers to compare different age groups at a single time frame. This option best describes Tonya's research project as she compared different age groups' reports of life satisfaction.

d. The standard deviation is a statistical measure of the amount of dispersion or variability in a set of scores. It is not directly related to Tonya's research project.

Based on the options provided, option c, "cross-sectional study," best describes Tonya's research project, where she compared the reports of life satisfaction across different age levels at a specific point in time.

6. In order to determine the answer to this question, we need to understand how positive correlation is displayed in a scatterplot.

a. A bell-shaped curve, also known as a normal distribution, represents a symmetric pattern of data where the majority of scores cluster around the mean. It is not directly related to a positive correlation displayed in a scatterplot.

b. When a positive correlation is displayed in a scatterplot, the points are clustered in a pattern that extends from the lower left to the upper right of the graph. This describes a positive linear relationship between the two sets of scores.

c. A U-shaped curve represents a relationship where the scores initially decrease, then increase, forming a curve that resembles the letter "U". It is not directly related to a positive correlation displayed in a scatterplot.

d. When a negative correlation is displayed in a scatterplot, the points are clustered in a pattern that extends from the upper left to the lower right of the graph. This is not relevant to a positive correlation displayed in a scatterplot.

Based on the options provided, option b, "extends from the lower left to the upper right of the graph," best describes the pattern in a scatterplot that represents a positive correlation between two sets of scores.