What were 3 goods that the traders bought the narragansett indians?

Narragansett Indians -- Rhode Island

This article discusses the first European explorers of Rhode Island.

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To find out what three goods the traders bought from the Narragansett Indians, we can look back into historical records and accounts of trade that involved the Narragansett people. One primary source for this information is the writings of Roger Williams, a prominent figure in the early interactions between European settlers and Native American tribes in the area. Williams spent time living among the Narragansett people and recorded his observations.

To get specific information about the goods traded, we can start by consulting Roger Williams' book, "A Key Into the Language of America." In this book, Williams discusses the trade relationships between European traders and the Narragansett Indians.

Another valuable source is archival records and historical documents from the time period. These may include diaries, journals, government documents, or correspondence between traders or explorers.

Additionally, academic research and publications focused on Native American history and the history of trade between Native Americans and European settlers can provide insights into the goods exchanged during these interactions.

By utilizing these sources, scholars and historians can provide a comprehensive understanding of the goods that were traded between European traders and the Narragansett Indians.