who were the first Europeans to set foot on the Narragansett lands?

Who were the first Europeans to set foot on the Narragansett lands? there where 3

Also these people were fishermen and _______.

my book is scott foresman pearson, regions social studies

The first Europeans to set foot on the Narragansett lands were the Dutch explorers. To find this information, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by searching for "Narragansett lands" to understand the historical context and location.
2. Look into the history of European exploration in North America, particularly in the northeastern region.
3. Research the significant European powers involved in early exploration, such as the Dutch, Spanish, English, and French.
4. Focus on Dutch exploration and settlements in North America during the 17th century.
5. Find references to the Dutch interactions with Native American tribes in the area of Narragansett lands.
6. Narrow down your search to specific Dutch explorers or expeditions who may have encountered the Narragansett.