A day on Pluto lasts 6.39 times longer than a day in earth.If an Earth day lasts 24 hour how many hours is a day in Pluto?

24 * 6.39 = ?

153.36 hrs

To find out how many hours a day on Pluto is, you need to multiply the length of an Earth day (24 hours) by the ratio of the lengths of a day on Pluto to a day on Earth.

Given that a day on Pluto lasts 6.39 times longer than a day on Earth, we can set up the equation:

(Length of a day on Pluto) = (Ratio) * (Length of a day on Earth)

Substituting the given values:

(Length of a day on Pluto) = 6.39 * 24

Now, let's multiply the values:

(Length of a day on Pluto) = 153.36 hours

Therefore, a day on Pluto lasts approximately 153.36 hours.