the problem is 2(9n-1)+7(n+6)=-60 i get how 2 do it but i get confused on wat 2 do and then i get mixed up and mess it up please help

2(9n-1)+7(n+6)= -60

18n - 2 + 7n + 42 = -60
25n + 40 = -60
25n = -100
n = -4



Sure! I can help you solve the equation step by step.

First, let's simplify both sides of the equation by using the distributive property and combining like terms.

On the left side of the equation:
2(9n - 1) + 7(n + 6) becomes 18n - 2 + 7n + 42.

Now, combine like terms on the left side:
18n + 7n - 2 + 42 equals 25n + 40.

So, the equation becomes 25n + 40 = -60.

To isolate the variable 'n', we need to move the constant term (40) to the other side of the equation. To do this, we can subtract 40 from both sides:

25n + 40 - 40 = -60 - 40

Simplifying further:
25n = -100

Finally, to solve for 'n', divide both sides of the equation by the coefficient of 'n' (25):

25n/25 = -100/25

This simplifies to:
n = -4

Therefore, the solution to the equation is n = -4.

To avoid confusion, it's important to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS) and carefully simplify each step while solving equations.