You earn $7.25 per hour babysitting. Write and solve an inequality to find how many full hours you must work to earn at least $200

x = number hours

7.25x >= 200.00

solve for x


To solve this inequality, let's assume H represents the number of full hours you must work to earn at least $200.

The amount earned in H hours can be calculated using the equation:
Amount earned = Hourly rate * Number of hours

In this case, the hourly rate is $7.25, and we want to earn at least $200, so the inequality can be written as:

7.25H ≥ 200

To solve for H, we need to isolate the variable H. We can do this by dividing both sides of the inequality by 7.25:

H ≥ 200/7.25

Using a calculator, the right side evaluates to approximately 27.59.

Therefore, you must work at least 28 full hours (since you cannot work a fraction of an hour) to earn at least $200.

To find how many full hours you must work to earn at least $200, we can use an inequality.

Let's define "x" as the number of hours you need to work. Since you earn $7.25 per hour, the amount you earn can be represented by the equation:

Amount earned = $7.25 * x

To find the minimum hours needed to earn at least $200, we can set up the following inequality:

$7.25 * x ≥ $200

Now, let's solve the inequality to find the value of x:

Divide both sides of the inequality by $7.25 to isolate "x":

x ≥ $200 ÷ $7.25

Simplify the division:

x ≥ 27.58

Since you cannot have a fraction of an hour, you would have to round up to the nearest whole number. Thus, you would need to work at least 28 hours to earn at least $200.