write a fraction greater than 1 for 5/8

I'm not sure what you are asking.

1 5/8?




To write a fraction greater than 1 for 5/8, you need to convert it into a mixed number.

Step 1: Divide the numerator (5) by the denominator (8) to find the whole number part:
5 ÷ 8 = 0 with a remainder of 5.

Step 2: Place the remainder (5) as the numerator of the fraction part, and keep the denominator (8) the same:
Fraction part = 5/8.

Step 3: Combine the whole number part and the fraction part to form the mixed number:
Mixed number = 0 5/8.

Therefore, a fraction greater than 1 for 5/8 is 0 5/8 or simply 5/8.