Two cities are 5 1/2 inches apart on a map. The actual distance between the cities is 66 miles. What scale was used to draw the map?

5.5 in represents 66 miles

1 inch represent 66/5.5 miles
1 inch represents 12 miles

on many maps you will find a true ratio without units
to get that you would have to calculate the number of inches in 12 miles.

A map has a scale of 1 cm : 20 km. Two cities are 2.5 cm apart on the map. To the nearest tenth of a kilometer, what is the actual distance that corresponds to the map distance?


To determine the scale used to draw the map, you need to find the conversion factor between the map distance and the actual distance. Here's how to calculate it:

1. Start by converting the actual distance between the cities (66 miles) into the same units as the map distance (inches). Since the map distance is given in inches, we'll convert miles to inches.
- There are 63,360 inches in a mile, so multiply the actual distance (66 miles) by 63,360 inches/mile:
66 miles * 63,360 inches/mile = 4,180,160 inches

2. Now, compare the actual distance and the map distance.
- The map distance is given as 5 1/2 inches, which can also be written as 5.5 inches.

3. Find the scale by dividing the actual distance (4,180,160 inches) by the map distance (5.5 inches):
- Scale = Actual distance / Map distance
- Scale = 4,180,160 inches / 5.5 inches
- Scale ≈ 760,021

Therefore, the scale used to draw the map is approximately 1:760,021.