What are 3 names for jewish people?

I got:
1. Hebrews
2. Chosen People


I already got hebrews. If you would look carefully you would see that.

Ooops. I'm sorry.

Other names:

People of the Book

thank you!

You're welcome.

There are several names that can be used to refer to Jewish people. Here are three commonly used ones:

1. Jews: This is the most widely recognized name for Jewish individuals. It refers to the people who follow the Jewish religion and/or identify with Jewish heritage.

2. Hebrews: The term "Hebrews" historically refers to the ancient Israelites, the ancestors of the Jewish people. It is often used in a biblical or historical context.

3. Israelites: Similar to "Hebrews," "Israelites" is a term used to describe the ancient descendants of Israel, namely the twelve tribes of Israel as described in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). Many Jewish people today still identify with this ancient heritage.

Please note that while these terms are commonly used, it's important to be respectful and considerate when referring to any group of people. If in doubt, it is always best to ask individuals how they prefer to be identified.