The key diplomatic achievement of Bismarck's foreign policy was

What are your choices?

Mebbe the alliance system...

The choices to this question are

rapprochement with France
an alliance with the Ottomans to contain Russia
a formal alliance with Austria-Hungary
successful challenge to Britain's sea supremacy

The key diplomatic achievement of Bismarck's foreign policy was the establishment of a system of alliances that aimed to maintain peace and secure Germany's position in Europe. To understand how this worked, it's helpful to know the context of Bismarck's era.

During the late 19th century, Europe was going through significant changes, including the unification of Italy and Germany. Bismarck, the chancellor of the newly united German Empire, recognized the need to secure its position and prevent future conflicts with neighboring powers.

Bismarck's first major diplomatic accomplishment was the Treaty of Frankfurt in 1871, which ended the Franco-Prussian War and led to the unification of Germany. However, his most significant achievement was the establishment of a series of alliances known as the Bismarckian System or the Triple Alliance.

The Triple Alliance, formed in 1882, consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. Its purpose was to isolate France after the Franco-Prussian War, preventing France from seeking revenge and strengthening the security of the German Empire. This alliance system aimed to maintain peace in Europe by balancing power and preventing any potential adversary from gaining the upper hand.

Bismarck also pursued a policy of maintaining good relations with other major powers outside the Triple Alliance. Known as the Reinsurance Treaty, he secured an agreement with Russia in 1887 to prevent a potential alliance between Russia and France, which could have posed a threat to Germany. This move demonstrated Bismarck's diplomatic skills in navigating complex international relations.

Overall, Bismarck's foreign policy achievements revolved around the establishment of alliances and the maintenance of a delicate balance of power that allowed Germany to grow and prosper while reducing the risk of major conflicts in Europe. Understanding this historical context provides insights into how Bismarck managed to secure Germany's position and maintain peace during his reign.