

|60| = 60

|-60| = 60

So what do you think?

its =

|60| = 60

|-60| = 60


To compare the values in the given inequality |60| < |-60|, let's first understand what the absolute value means.

The absolute value of a number is its distance from 0 on the number line. It is always a non-negative value. So, |60| = 60 and |-60| = 60 as both 60 and -60 are 60 units away from 0 on the number line.

Now let's compare the values:

|60| < |-60|

60 < 60

However, this statement is not true because 60 is not less than 60. In fact, both 60 and -60 have the same absolute value. Therefore, the inequality |60| < |-60| is false.

To arrive at this conclusion, we first need to calculate the absolute values of both numbers |60| and |-60|. Once we have these values, we can then compare them to determine if one is less than the other.