If my heart beats on average 73 times, how many times does my heart beat one day if my heart beat doesnt change?

Hope you can help! <3

That's probably 73 times a minute.

24 * 60 * 73 = ?

Certainly! To find out how many times your heart beats in one day, you need to know the duration of a day. A day typically has 24 hours.

To calculate the total number of heartbeats in a day, you'll need to multiply the average number of heartbeats per minute (73) by the number of minutes in an hour (60) and then by the number of hours in a day (24).

Here's how you can calculate it step by step:

1. Convert the average number of heartbeats per minute to the average number of heartbeats per hour:
73 beats/minute * 60 minutes/hour = 4380 beats/hour

2. Multiply the average number of heartbeats per hour by the number of hours in a day:
4380 beats/hour * 24 hours/day = 105,120 beats/day

Therefore, if your heart beats an average of 73 times per minute and your heart rate does not change, your heart would beat approximately 105,120 times in one day.

I hope this helps, Mason! Let me know if you have any more questions.